darkDark are duo Chris James and Genevieve Vincent, who look to combine cinematic synths with contemporary pop. Genevieve is a classically trained composer and producer who has soundtracked movies and TV shows, and written orchestral music. Chris is a composer, mixer, and sound designed who has worked on advertising for Nike, Google, Levi’s and Audi.
Inspired by, and aiming to replicate, the experience of being immersed in a video game, Arcade is a synth piece that conjures visions of light trails and soft focus cinematics.
Beyond leveraging sounds that evoke the feel of video games, Arcade’s lyrics explore the notion of getting lost in a game, falling out of sync with reality. Cinema represents as much of an inspiration for the song as gaming, however, with the likes of Her, Ender’s Game, Ready Player One, and the Black Mirror episode San Junipero all helping inform the song’s lyrics.
Check out the crystalline beauty that is Arcade below: