Retro: Deep Kick - Red Hot Chili Peppers

BlackPlastic, as anyone that knows their real identity in real life will know, HATES the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Or rather, what they have become.

Because whilst offering a friend some advice recently - "It's better to regret something you did, than something you didn't, do" - the lyrics to this little ditty sprung to mind ("And as the Butthole Surfers always said..." prefaces my advice).  Cue some rampant digging through BlackPlastic's record collection in order to find the Chili's 1995 album, One Hot Minute (produced, tellingly, by Rick Rubin).  There are only two RHCP albums worth listening to, let alone owning.  Everything else is shit, no debate: They. Sold. Out.

They are now doomed to remake the same album over & over & over so throw out everything bar the obvious Blood Sugar Sex Magik and this gem, One Hot Minute.  Everyone raves about Blood Sugar Sex Magik and yet One Hot Minute is the most criminally overlooked album in their entire back catalogue, benefitting from an eclecticism and a level of experimentation entirely missing from the rest of their output.  Even the pop song 'Aeroplane' is head and shoulders over anything they have created since 'Scar Tissue'.

'Deep Kick' is probably the best track on One Hot Minute, sounding like places, people, events and adventures: A lifetime of misbehaviour squashed into six-and-a-half-crazy-minutes.  The transition from the first, spoken phase (with the strung-out whispered vocals beneath the main vocal track) into the second phase is goose-bump inducing, and the final conclusion (featuring THAT line) is spellbinding.

If you don't know this song and you either (a) hate the chilis as much as me; or (b) like all that shit post-2000s stuff; then press play, sit back and learn.

BP x