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bronnt industries kapital

Album Review: Hard For Justice - Bronnt Industries Kapital

As Get Physical's latest artist album release, BlackPlastic was a little moist about hearing Bronnt Industries Kapital's third album, Hard For Justice. The sticker on the cover likened it to lots of post-punk bands we like from the first time round, in a room, at the same time.

But the sticker was kind of wrong, because Hard For Justice isn't much like Joy Division at all. Okay, it does have some moody bass work and stripped back, mechanical percussion and post-punk's penchant for experimentalism but this is hardly Just Another Maxïmo Park.

Over the course of its eight tracks, Hard For Justice packs in, erm, zero vocals. None. What it does have however is more ideas than you can shake a stick at. There are ambient moments, brief touches of chiptune, real instruments, synthesizers and a under-current of sleek, minimal kraut-rock that permeates the whole thing. Best of all, 'European Male' sounds like a death threat from someone who, like, really means it - just listen to the bubbling-underneath-seething-rage and the brass. Yes, brass. Brass that sounds not shit, but amazing, as if stolen from a David McCallum track.

The experimentation displayed over the handful of tracks here ensures Hard For Justice will keep giving over the coming months and proves that Get Physical are truly beginning to deliver artist albums proper, straying from just releasing discs from their known artists.

Available from on CDLP  and MP3 .

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