/ alternative music blog


Video: Go Do - Jónsi

Jónsi's new album Go is due out soon and this video for 'Go Do' has recently been released.

In it Jónsi looks a little bit like a young Jareth from Labyrinth (that's David Bowie's character in case you are uneducated) running around Iceland and playing with birds. By which we don't mean ladies.

This song feels like a slight departure from Jónsi's work with Sigur Rós - very upbeat, as was much of Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust - but also with a bit of a pop feel. The video is interesting - lots of fast cuts and a nice sunrise and whilst none of it makes any sense it feels uplifting and that is probably the point.`

Unimportant beach trivia: BlackPlastic has almost certainly visited the beach with the basalt columns featured in this video.

BP x

Props: Kitsune Noir for blogging this.