Sometimes BlackPlastic goes off-piste. Electronic music may be our bread and butter yet there are occasional albums that fail to fall into this genre yet still deserve some attention.
Lay Low is Icelandic singer Lovisa Elisabet Sigrunardottir and Farewell Good Night's Sleep is her first album to be released in the UK (but her second album proper). Recorded and produced by Liam Watson, who has previously worked with The White Stripes, it smacks of the same laid back laziness of fellow Icelander Emiliana Torrini but with added Jazz. Fact: BlackPlastic loves laziness and BlackPlastic loves jazz.
Not much happens on Farewell Good Night's Sleep: if you want to level criticism at it then that's your best bet. Other than that Lay Low has crafted a joyful, gently strumming album that sounds like it should be the soundtrack to a road trip buddy movie involving lots of drinking and aging. It feels like sipping whisky and holding a cigar whilst dancing in the dark. It's moody yet playful, considered and understated.
Farewell Good Night's Sleep: an excursion you don't want to come home from.
Download the MP3 of Last Time Around (right click, save as). 'Farewell Good Night's Sleep' is released on 9 March. Available to pre-order at Amazon on CDand in MP3
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