
Album Review: Random Access Memories - Floormodel

Little known fact: BlackPlastic loves to get tired and emotional to the electronic clicks and whirring of the emotionally overloaded Postal Service. This isn't a new Postal Service album, but it almost could be...

Let us make something clear: at times this albums sounds almost too much like our favourite mail delivery team (and I don't mean the Royal Mail). That is really the biggest criticism that can be levelled at Floormodel. But bear in mind that we heart the Postal Service and since they aren't set to release another album this decade that isn't really a criticism at all... More an observation.

Well the delicate vocals and an IDM backing are a check and they even make their tracks remotely (as did the Postal Service, hence their name), with Jeff Caudill providing vocals and real instrumentation guitars from LA and David Stoll the electronic backing and additional real instrumentation from Germany (thanks for the correction - BP).

So with so many similarities how are things different? Mainly through the fact that there is a greater amount of real instrumentation on display, particularly singer Caudill's guitar work. As an example look to the proper piano of 'The Reason I Still Live Here', playing against a series of clinical typewriter clicks - it's a combination that only serves to highlight the magic and warmth of the electronic backing when it kicks in proper at two minutes. From that point it is clear that this is one of the most emotional electronic albums you have heard in ages and that Floormodel have just become one of your brand new favourite acts.

Floormodel make music for journeys where your head is moving in the opposite direction to your body. The denial, whether genuine of self, of 'I Don't Care If Your Ever Say Goodbye' or the pleading 'Asleep' help make an album that wraps you up in a blanket of electronic warmth whilst the fragility of the vocals leave you exposed to the discomfort of your own memories. It is an enchanting combination that will keep you coming back for more.

Random Access Memories is self-released so skip Zavvy and head on to iTunes to have a listen and maybe think about getting a copy.  Alternatively you can buy a physical release (distrubuted worldwide) on the official Floormodel site or you can stream full tracks over at Last.fm.

BP x