kyla la grange

Stream: Skin - Kyla La Grange

Stream on Spotify: Download on iTunes: Produced by: The Code Headline Oval Space Show Nov 19th:

Skin is the latest track from London-based alternative pop artist Kyla La Grange. It's a thickly looping slow moving tale of dissatisfaction and addiction, the reverb-heavy vocals exposed and fragile in comparison to the ice-like percussion and heavy bass.

Comparing the new track to her previous single, Kyla says "Skin is the slow burn to So Sweet's happy disco, the morning after the night before ... It's that trapped feeling you get when your brain is stuck on a visual loop and all you can see is the thing that you know you shouldn't be thinking about because it does you no good, but the more you tell yourself not to think about it, the more you do. I wanted to it to feel very close and intimate and sexy and claustrophobic, like you're resisting what you see but at the same time a little twisted part of you is really enjoying it."

You can catch Kyla La Grange at her largest London gig yet this Thursday at The Oval Space [tickets available here].