shiny darkly

Video: Diana - Shiny Darkly

iTunes: Wimp: Spotify: Directed and edited by Madeleine Kate McGowan. Camera by Jonas Bang, Madeleine Kate McGowan & Kristoffer Bech. Performers: Sarah Armstrong, Ágúst Einar Ágústsson (Gústi Goo), Inga Gerner Nielsen, Oliver Matthew Volz, Mads Lassen, Louise Love Ya Aisin, Klara Utke Acs & Kristoffer Bech.

Press play above for downright noisy goth garage from Shiny Darkly, new on Copenhagen's Crunchy Frog label (responsible for the Raveonettes and Iceland's Apparat Organ Quartet amongst others).

'Diana' is a dark take on garage post-punk, full of reverb and distortion. The video is also confrontational - a disorientating riot of urban desolation, group dance and some fairly graphic scenes. Slightly NSFW.