
MP3: Mitsubitchi - The Subs

If you were to come up to BlackPlastic and ask us what song you should play in your office / shop / hair dressers' / generic place of work that is going to cause maximum offence then The Subs' 'Mitsubitchi' would probably be it.

Like a five-year-old child with ADHD and suffering from a nose-bleed 'Mitsubitchi' doesn't give a damn who you are or what you are doing, it just wants your attention and isn't going to shut-up or stop pulling a variety of stupid shapes until it gets it. Subtle this ain't, but it is fun in a 'wearing pants on your head' type way.

Put it this way - it's for the weekend, not for life.

The Subs are playing at FabricLive this Friday for Fabric's 10th Birthday weekend. Simian Mobile Disco (good), the Filthy Dukes (good) and Shinichi Osawa (great) will also be playing. Visit for more.

Download 'Mitsubitchi' by The Subs on MP3 [right click, save as].

BP x