Comment: Our prediction - the Mercury Music Prize —

Comment: Our prediction - the Mercury Music Prize

Not so long ago we predicted who would get shortlisted for the Mercury Music Prize and whilst we weren't exactly spot on we managed to guess seven out of the 12... Not too shabby!

With the event happening tomorrow we thought it was time to lay our predictions down on paper (albeit virtual) and put our money where our mouth is.

The shortlist in full then:

  • Bat For Lashes - Two Suns
  • Florence & The Machine - Lungs
  • Friendly Fires - Friendly Fires
  • Glasvegas - Glasvegas
  • Kasabian - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum
  • La Roux - La Roux
  • Led Bib - Sensible Shoes
  • Lisa Hannigan - Sea Sew
  • Speech Debelle - Speech Therapy
  • Sweet Billy Pilgrim - Twice Born Men
  • The Horrors - Primary Colours
  • The Invisible - The Invisible

Pondered we have but BlackPlastic still thinks the smart money is on The Horrors, with Bat For Lashes and Florence & The Machine close also-rans. If it were down to us though we would commend that loved up debut from Friendly Fires... It's just too gorgeous to resist.

Check out the BBC site for coverage on the even.

BP x